Date & time: 18 November 09.30
Location: ETB 511 (Kuzey Kampus)
Developments in communication and transportation technologies enabled consumers and suppliers to meet easily all around the world, resulting in a global business challenge for all companies. While knowledge-based economies are well responding to this challenge, traditional ones are suffering in the marketplace. It has been observed and proven that whoever establishes an effective and efficient pathway from knowledge to real use can overcome obstacles, and becomes a sustainable solution provider. In this regard, developed countries relatively succeeded in bringing universities as knowledge developers and businesses as implementers together to close the cycle to provide new and pleasing products and services to customers. In developing countries, however, there is an unclosing gap between universities and industry, keeping both parties away from the global appearance. Based on more than a decade of observation and interaction with both sides, a method has been proposed and will be presented to accelerate knowledge transfer from universities to the industry in developing countries.
About the speaker
Dr. Genç received his BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Istanbul Technical University (Istanbul, Turkey), and his MS and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (New York, USA). He served as a part-time adjunct professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering at Boğaziçi University and a Board Member at Gebze Technical University Technopark in Turkey. Up until recently, Dr. Genç was the General Manager of BMC Power Company, developing Power-Packs (Engine, Transmission, and Cooling Systems) for both military and commercial vehicles (e.g., Altay Main Battle Tank and Armored Vehicles). Prior to these appointments, Dr. Genç was Vice President for eight years at MAM and BİLGEM Research Centers of the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK). His responsibilities were methodology development for Strategy and Technology Management as well as developing new business models to transfer available technologies to industrial companies. Dr. Genç served for 7 years as Product Development Coordinator at the Turkish Institute for Industrial Management (TUSSIDE/TUBITAK), where he found the opportunity to provide professional R&D training and certification programs as well as consultation services to more than 500 companies. Dr. Genç also worked for 5 years as a Senior Systems Development Engineer for Plug Power Fuel Cell Company (GE) in New York, where he was responsible for a wide range of technology and system development activities.
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