Digital Learning Design: Considerations and Best Practices -16 Aralık 2022

 Digital Learning Design: Considerations and Best Practices

Date & time: 16 December 09.30

Location: ETB 511 (Kuzey Kampus)

Popularity of online learning has peaked in the last couple of years. As much as it is widespread, there might still be discussion around whether it really works or not. For any kind of learning to work, design is the key; and online learning has its own design considerations. In this seminar I will talk about some of the key issues to take into consideration when designing online learning, what can contribute to success and learner retention, and some of the best practices from my professional experience.

About the speaker

After graduating from Bogazici University – Foreign Language Education Department in 2010, I started my career as an English teacher. Later, my growing interest in learning technologies led me to pursue a Master’s degree with the University of Manchester on educational technologies, then I made a career switch to online education, and worked for various digital learning projects in start-ups and academic contexts. I am a certified (Online) Learning Facilitator by the University of Cape Town and a 4MAT Practitioner. I currently work as the Head of Product at European Leadership University (an initiative by Management Centre Türkiye) providing global online degree programmes. I also offer training to educators on effective learning design, educational technologies and online teaching through my platform Grow with Tech.

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi

Kuzey Kampüs ETB Blok 706, Bebek 34342 İstanbul

Telefon:+90 212 359 49 51