Biased or Unbiased AI, That's the Question! - 6 Temmuz 2023

 Biased or Unbiased AI, That's the Question!s

Date & time: 6 July 14.00

Location: ETB 511 (Kuzey Kampus)

Humans are social beings. Emotions, like their thoughts, play an important part in decision-making. With technological breakthroughs, artificial intelligence (AI) raises expectations for faster, more accurate, rational, and fair decisions. As a result, AI systems are frequently seen as an ideal decision-making process. But what if these systems decide against you because of your gender, color, or other characteristics? Biased or unbiased AI, that’s the question! This seminar will cover (1) bias in humans and AI, (2) the factors that lead to bias in AI systems, (3) current examples of bias in AI systems, and (4) various strategies and recommendations for mitigating bias in AI systems.

About the speaker

Elif KARTAL studied Math at Istanbul University (IU) for her undergraduate degree. She received her master’s degree in Informatics with a thesis entitled “Software project cost estimation with artificial neural networks” in 2011 at the same university, where she also worked as a Research Assistant. She completed her doctoral studies in 2015 at the same department, with a dissertation entitled “Machine learning techniques based on classification and a study on cardiac risk assessment”. In 2013, Dr. Kartal was a visiting scholar at Ball State University, Miller College of Business, Information Systems and Operations Management (IN, USA). In 2019-2020, she worked as a post doctoral researcher in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Miami (FL, USA). She worked on computational neuroscience, deep learning, and computer vision, and was supported by TÜBITAK-BİDEB 2219. She received the title of Associate Professor in September 2022. She has worked as a faculty member in the Department of Management Information Systems at Istanbul University. She is also an assistant director at IU Computer Science Application and Research Center. She serves as a board member at the Istanbul Branch of the Turkish Informatics Association. Her main research areas are artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, computational neuroscience, and deep learning.

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi

Kuzey Kampüs ETB Blok 706, Bebek 34342 İstanbul

Telefon:+90 212 359 49 51