Assessment of Student Learning in the Age of Covid-19: Approaches and Technologies Webinar - 28 Mayıs 2020


Many of us in higher education found ourselves in a remarkable effort to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus. As faculty, we had to figure out how to continue to teach via remote delivery and enable our students to engage and learn. The usual activities of teaching -creating content, holding lecture sessions and office hours, assigning and collecting homework, and building and administering of exams- all became wicked problems. This webinar will discuss approaches and technology solutions to assessing student learning in remote and online environments and provide expert advice for common questions.

Who is Yakut Gazi?

Yakut Gazi, Ph.D., is the Associate Dean for Learning Systems at Georgia Tech Professional Education (GTPE), overseeing learning design and development, technology infrastructure, compliance, and assessment for Georgia Institute of Technology’s online and distance courses. GTPE is Georgia Tech’s lifelong learning arm and global campus, serving over 42,000 and 2600 companies annually. In this role, she has been leading Georgia Tech’s response to COVID-19 emergency to enable the institution for remote delivery. Dr. Gazi worked at higher education institutions in the United States, Qatar, Turkey, and Spain in a variety of roles since 1993. She is a Council Member of the International Association for Continuing Engineering Education (IACEE), a member of the Quality Matters Academic Advisory Board, and is on the editorial review board of several journals in the field. Dr. Gazi has her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University, and an M.A. in Educational Sciences and a B.S. in Teaching Chemistry, both from Bogazici University in Turkey.

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