Design Judgment in Instructional Design - 24 Ekim 2018

Instructional design (ID) does not happen linearly as prescribed in models. Rather, designers have a critical role in the process by shaping the practice with the use of their own design judgment. In the past decades, studies focusing on instructional designers in design have been identified and interest toward design judgment in ID practice has been increasing. In this seminar, I will be talking about the concept of design judgment and designers’ judgment in designing instruction.
Additionally, although there is an increasing interest on this area, how ID students exercise design judgment and how their design judgments develop have remained unexplored. Thus, in a study I explored ID students’ exercise and development of design judgment over a semester when they were working on design projects. In this seminar, I will also be talking about my research and discuss implications for instructional design education.

Boğaziçi Üniversitesi Eğitim Teknolojisi Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi

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